The safety of our people comes before all else.
At Ganellen we are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and subcontractors.
We believe in creating a resilient safety culture by fostering positive and proactive behaviours.
Safety is the foundation of all our operations. We are committed to demonstrating continual improvement by ensuring all appropriate resources are available to assist in compliance. Making the workplace safe and without risk to the health and wellbeing of our people is paramount.
Management Systems & Certifications
We operate a companywide Occupational Health & Safety system which is independently audited on a regular basis. Our OH&S system is certified to AS/NZS 4801:2001. We also hold full accreditation from the “Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner” in Australia.

It’s in our DNA to deliver the highest quality outcomes.
When it comes to quality, we believe the highest standards are set from the ground up. Our Quality Management system, independently certified to AS/NZS ISO 9001-2015, ensures all management teams and suppliers operate in accordance with our QA requirements.